Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Philosophy

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
activities are designed to:
  • Create a significant and sustained impact on the society and the communities where we operate.
  • Provide opportunities for our employees to contribute to these efforts through volunteering and engagement.
  • Provide our workforce with a larger purpose beyond the economic activity of the Company that will bring greater meaning and fulfillment to their work and life.

Focus Areas

We focus on lower income groups with particular emphasis on women and children. Preference is given to communities in the geographies where we operate and to Dalits and Tribal Communities. Our CSR projects are focussed on -
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Education
  • Employment and Employability Enhancement
  • Women Empowerment
  • Environmental
  • Promoting Rural Sports
  • Supporting the Specially Abled

CSR Projects/Programs

We implement our CSR/AA initiatives both through direct interventions as well as in collaboration with few competent partner organizations/institutions.

The Global Compact Compliance

TSDPL joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) forum in the year 2005.

In compliance with the requirements envisaged in the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI - G3 version), the Company submits its Annual Communications of Progress (COP) to the United Nations Global Compact forum.

This requires the Company to report on the compliance of the Ten Guiding Principles covering four important areas - Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption.